• Deimos

    Senior Software Engineer

    08/24 - Present

  • CodeCafé

    Co-Founder & CTO

    11/23 — Present

  • Gandalf

    Software Engineer II

    10/22 — 01/24

  • Moment House

    Design Engineer

    02/22 — 05/22

  • Brass

    Frontend Engineer

    09/21 — 01/22

  • Helicarrier*

    Frontend Engineer

    04/21 — 10/21

  • Bloc*

    Frontend Engineer

    03/22 — 10/21

  • Conectar

    UI Engineer

    10/20 — 01/21

  • Mkobo MFB

    React Native Developer

    11/19 — 06/20

View my resume

* implies that the role was a contract.

[ Selected Projects ]

  • V2

    Second iteration of my portfolio.

  • Hestia

    Wellness app to help me stay ahead of my relationships.

  • Now Playing

    Light-weight package to show what you are listening to on Spotify.

  • Bolaji Olajide

    Portfolio for Bolaji Olajide: Engineer, DJ & Music Producer.

  • Bumpa Business Academy

    Platform to help business owners scale up their businesses.

  • Kainene Vos Savant

    Redesign to stretch my design skills.

  • willie-ui

    v1 concept portfolio for Williams Alamu.

  • V1

    First iteration of my portfolio.

  • Sherlock

    A defunct platform for NFT artists to submit their artwork for verification.

  • useRamp

    A defunct platform that allowed Nigerians to deposit fiat into centralized exchanges.

  • Move Capital

    Portfolio for a web3 investment company built with Webflow.

View my github