Something Old, Something New


It has been a while since I have publicly posted a long-form writing and I am trying to get back into that act. Earlier in the year, I shut down my Substack because I didn’t quite get the cathartic feel I was looking for. Maybe, I was looking for engagement. o|

Most of the visibility and social currency I have accrued over the years was because I was journaling publicly about things I was working on, this resulted in having a larger audience but that fizzled out when I was in my final year.

I partly regret not journaling about my work at Gandalf. I worked on several things, attempts at building a browser for desktop (with Electron) and mobile (with React Native), our struggles with writing tests for crypto native platforms —quite hard at first, our experience trying to token-gate Substack publications — I wrote some Golang, building a WordPress Plugin — PHP wasn't fun at first etc.

I plan to write more often, committing to publishing a detailed blog post every month, with occassional updates in between. The main struggle when you plan to write actively is finding a balance between quality and consistency. If this hurdle poses itself, I pray the wisdom to deal with it is sufficient.

Next up

On the list of my primary goals, I have to get better at:

  • Engineering
  • Designing and
  • Talking about my work

At the intersection of the goals lies updating my portfolio, so I will be working on that. I have been proposing a portfolio update with my designer friends for about 2 years and we have either had scheduling conflicts or I have a picture in my head and I am not able to communicate that to them clearly but this time, I have decided to take the bull by the horns.

I have been collating a list of things I want to add to implement and ngl it is quite the list, maybe I am the problem but I intend to see it to completion. I might not be able to design the whole experience but I will have sketches as guides. Design-wise, I subscribed for DailyUI earlier this month but all I have done so far was creating the Figma file and tagging the emails, I plan to tackle that too.

Earlier this year, I started building a wellness application, Hestia, it was meant to be a solo work, worked fine for about a month but I ran into design issues. I tweeted about this in March, and I have made significant headway with Deborah. I am going to work on that too.

I started a self-development circle with some of my friends where we are working on specific goals over the next 6 months. This is to help me obsessively focus on things I want to be very good at. I'll be working on a few projects and I'm excited to share them with you.



Idris Elba saying "I want you to put the word out there that we back up"