Disclaimer: This post contains a "little" bit of chemistry and physics to illustrate my point.
The Foundation
A Bond refers to a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together. It is also a force or feeling that unites people; a shared emotion or interest. But I prefer the definition of a bond in chemistry, it is defined as a strong force of attraction holding atoms together in a molecule or crystal, resulting from the sharing or transfer of electrons.
Bricklaying and Electrical Fittings
So we can agree that a bond refers to something of common interest between at least two things or people. Basic Electrostatics teaches us that like charges repel and unlike charges attract and that is true everywhere atoms take the main stage, but when we talk about human beings, something quite the opposite usually happens. We tend to associate with people that have the same ideas, thought patterns and future aspirations as us. While we tend to be more hostile with our naming, we refer to those that are unlike us as "toxic" or" bad energy" and we urge people to stay far away from them.
Plumbing and Painting
I have never been intentional about having serious bonds with people, although, I tend to have one or two things that most people would like to have in their circle. I am what chemists call a loosely bound or free-electron because it can't be specifically tied to a position. I don't want to believe that I am the only one with this trait. Sometimes, we move with a group for about two weeks and we decide to jump on another group for about a month and it becomes slightly difficult to pin us to a particular group and you are like, "okay, what's up?" But the big picture, however, is that all these groups are subsets of the power set of groups with this person in the middle.
Window, Doors, and Roofing
These types of people tell you what they want you to know and which may include some of the things you want to hear. It is not like that that they don't care about the relationships but the issue is with the world and its numerous views and their doubts. They are fans of objectivity wanting to know what is right and what is wrong. What these people are attracted to in a group is not the people in themselves but the idea that seems to hold the group together. We all have different upbringings and extent of exposure, so it isn't hard to find at least one person in your immediate circle who is unsure about what they should believe in. It isn't like that they don't want to stick to one ideology, but it becomes more difficult in a world that is becoming more and more subjective by the second. There are lots of grey areas in this world and when you begin to explore the ideas in the mainstream you wonder how people can express their views and stick to it.
Raising Fences
The truth is you won't find a group that believes in everything you do. No person is 100% confident or sure about what they believe in. We are humans and we have our doubts and some times, we may choose to ignore them but it doesn't mean they would go away like that. It is important to note that in your search for truth, you may forget to detach your truth-seeking persona from your core self which has emotional makeup. This makeup I believe is there for a reason. Yes, it is possible to enjoy your company but remember that loads and burdens are easier to bear when there are extra hands.